Did you expect to see here all the comments by people who have said good things about the teachings and experiences with Sitting Owl, Earth People Productions, and this 'Business'. Well I have news for you; I'm writing about the ridiculousness of the concept of testimonials; especially regarding spiritual matters, teachings, and healing.
I grant you that you can't always believe what a business says about itself and it is always good to get an outside person's opinion of their experiences and dealings with the said business, but these testimonials are hand chosen by the same people who are trying to convince you to 'invest' your money, time, and energy into them; their 'business'. That is unless they just make them up themselves; have you ever had the ability to actually contact and speak with any of the testimonialists (people who have apparently testified about their experiences) first hand to discuss their uncensored views.
I will also remind you that I'm not here doing any of this for 'business'; I'm doing this for the benefit of humanity, life, Great Spirit, and 'All Our Relations'.
If you have any feedback you wish to give or share with me, be it good or bad, positive or negative, praise or criticism, (which are just your own perceptions anyway) please feel free to send me a message via my contact form. If you feel you have experienced something magical or special here and want to share it with others or spread the message I'm trying to share here then feel free to tell others, but I don't need to have testimonials here; and I'm not interested in testy money alls.