Coming Events
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as I will do my best to keep it up to date.
I am most likely to be running Purification Sweat Lodges every Full Moon and apart from what is entered below please don't hesitate to contact me and make an appointment to do some ceremony with me, come and chat, or ask me any questions.
I look forward to hearing from you and doing some ceremony together.
Contact me and make your own coming event!
or Phone 24 hours: 0408 583 532
(international: +61 408 583 532
011-61-408 583 532 I think.)
Sweat Lodge
I am available for this important and sacred cleansing/re-birthing ceremony and other spiritual matters whenever you call. Apart from the Full Moon Sweats, if I have been asked to run one for someone else, you may be able to join in; just ask!
The Sweat Lodge or Inipi is a traditional cleansing ceremony where we humble ourselves on Mother Earth for four rounds of prayers and songs and come out like spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally purified newborn babies.
Traditionally these and most ceremonies were specifically for men only as nature puts women through a cleansing ceremony every month with her moon time (menstruation) and renewal through childbirth. Because these things don’t happen to men a ceremony must be created for the same reasons. Having said that, it is important to realise that most women living in mainstream society are so disconnected from nature (inner and outer nature) that these ceremonies are useful to help them reconnect to their nature.
To understand these differences between male and female energies it may be useful to read this article: Male & Female Energies
Winter time is the best time for a number of reasons, one being that our skin gets more clogged with all the clothes we need to wear to keep warm, another is that it is much less of a fire danger.
Any ceremony is in Great Spirit's time, but generally they go from anything like 1 hour to 5 hours, but usually around 3 hours, but I like people to arrive here around lunch time for an evening Sweat for many reasons that will become apparent; mostly to explain the symbolism of everything as well as preparation and protocol of how I run my Lodges.
Probably the best explanation is in an article that Cheryl wrote in answer to someone’s queries about Sweat Lodges. The link to that article is: Sweat Lodge
The great ceremonial chief of the Teton Sioux, and holy man Frank Fools Crow (1890-1989) in dialog with author Thomas E. Mails in the book ‘Fools Crow – Power and Wisdom’ discusses the Sweat Lodge thus:
The Stone-people Lodge (Inipi, Purification or Sweat Lodge) not only represents the womb of Mother Earth for rebirth and the universe but also, once the above-ground part is covered and all items and tools to be used are inside, it becomes the dwelling place of Wakan -Tanka (Great Spirit, Creator, God the FATHER etc.) and Tunkashila (the SON) above, Grandmother Earth below and the Persons of the Four Directions (the Holy Spirit).