Joseph Campbell
Joseph Campbell is best known and recognised as an American mythologist, writer, and lecturer for his work in comparative mythology and religion. His work is vast, covering many aspects of the human experience. His philosophy is often summarised by his phrase: "Follow your bliss."
Before his death in 1987, Campbell completed a series of interviews with journalist Bill Moyers that aired as a six part television documentary originally on PBS in 1988 titled “Joseph Campbell and The Power of Myth.” The series demonstrates how humankind has documented through the rich use of metaphors, symbols, and rituals, the cultural understandings of what it means to be human. And most interestingly, they all point to the same thing; “Thou Art That”.
I mention Joseph Campbell a lot throughout much of what I write because he studied and taught about Mythology; the unspeakable and unknowable language that captures all the aspects about how to live as a human being or an Earth Person as Wallace Black Elk would call it. Because this subject is so vast and universal I remind you that this is just a brief introduction to the most important aspect of Joseph Campbell's work; The Hero's Journey. See also the Rites of Passage section as they are about the socially created forms of the Hero's Journey.
The best work of Joseph, in my opinion, is the DVD sets of Mythos I, Mythos II, and now the last of that work, Mythos III. The reason is that this is footage of Joe teaching in the order and depth that he chose so that the best picture or understanding might come through. In my opinion the very best and most important is Mythos I as it introduces the subject of mythology by explaining the psyche, the foundation of how we think. If, according the shaman principles, reality is what we think it is, then this can help us to create a harmonious reality.