Thunder Speaks
Carving and Artwork
By: Gary James (Black Bear)
I want to tell you a story; a true story told to me by Black Bear aka Gary James. The story began just before 1999. As Black Bear was looking out his window at a thunderstorm he saw a Thunderbird cloud with lightning streaking from its tail. As that streak of lightning struck a tree he knew that it was a message from Great Spirit and the Thunder Beings. Knowing his own gifts he saw a way to share that message with the rest of the people of Canada. So he got the necessary permissions to carve the shattered trunk of that tree and so in 1999 ‘Thunder Speaks’ was born.
I first saw photos of Thunder Speaks when I sponsored Black Bear to come out to Australia to participate in some of the Spiritual Gatherings that were happening. I got to know him very well over that time and his next visit a year later. We shared many gifts, teachings, ceremonies and songs.
We have kept in touch from time to time via email ever since and I was surprised with the recent reply I got from my email wishing Black Bear blessings for his birthday anniversary. The following is his reply:
AhHO!!! The picture is of Thunder Speaks it was unveiled to the public by the head of Indian affairs Canada, Jane Stewart. A picture was taken of her and then taken into Photoshop to become a different form of artwork. The Thunderbird cloud with the lightning streaking off its wing is what happened to the tree as lightning hit the tree as I stood looking out the window before it was carved in 1999. Have it printed on high quality Silver nitrate photographic paper and it will come to life. |
The original carving of |
ManyhelpersFrom the earth we have eaten |
The finished Photoshop |
Of course the pictures here have been compressed for the website and the originals are of much better quality, so make a donation and contact me for a copy. Don’t forget to allow for postage and handling costs.
'Manyhelpers' is another carving by Gary James (Black Bear) that I think might still be for sale (see it on my page of Black Bear's Carvings), contact him and ask; who knows he may even be willing do something on a commission basis.
So from this unconditional gift to Black Bear from Great Spirit and the Thunder Beings; then gifted to the people of Canada; reworked and gifted to Sitting Owl; I, Sitting Owl, offer it to you all and ask for a donation to help keep the sacred hoop and unconditional gift of life turning.