Past Gatherings

This is just a quick run down on past events. For a more detailed account see the History of Gatherings.

Spiritual Unity of the Tribes who began these gatherings in 1999 can be contacted via their website:

Honouring of the Elders gathering started at Lakes Entrance 2004; this was a once off gathering.

Red Blanket gathering began at Brunie Island Tasmania in 2006 and a second one was held at Mount Bunya Queensland in 2007.

Yorta Yorta gatherings began at Yelima on the Murray River 2008, but Auntie Rochelle has organised other events there previously. She has had a gathering every year so far up to March 2010. Auntie's Website (last I looked was updated 2010) is currently at:

Keepers' Gathering and Pow Wow began as the vision of 'The Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers', Bud Johnston President. Website:

Earth People Productions gatherings are yet to happen on a large scale, but are happening all the time at Sitting Owl's Nest; keep watching as I may organise a biggie sometime!

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