~ Ponderings ~

By: Gerardus Grist

The Infinite Subconsciousness - The IS - consist of an infinite amount of Aspects or Souls, who in and by themselves seem to create independently. However, the only Creative Force is the Creator living within the Souls or the Created. The Created are Co-Creators - each in their own kind and measure...

Creation as a Whole is the accomplishment of Entities who exist in Higher Levels of Creation. They are Co-Creators and create according to their own status and/or function. They do this by means of the Presence of the Creator that lives with them...

We as human beings do the same thing in our own divers manners. All Things, Entities and Beings in Creation are Aspects of the Creator. No one Thing, Being or Entity is something in and by itself - all are the Creator differently. Human beings create according to their abilities. Humans on earth are far from accomplished Co-Creators. That's why the world is what it is...

What we experience in Creation has come about or was created by the Subconsciousness of Creation expressing itself by means of and through human minds. In the same sense, our Soul or Subconsciousness expresses itself repeatedly as the persons we are. The purpose of all Expressions is to become more and more aware...

All Things are the expressions of the Subconsciousness of Creation. The Subconsciousness of Creation is a semi-unconscious Force. It is aware but has no self-awareness! The Creator is busy creating 24/7 infinitely and is not concerned about who or what it is. It is the perfect musician who has become the music. Creation is the Music of the Creator. This means that the Creator and Creation are One. There are no Two - Anywhere! We are all One Energy...

Many Sages spoke about The Void. I see the Void as the Subconsciousness of Creation. The IS - The Infinite Subconsciousness. This is the Source out of which all things arise. As I see it - this is not a Void! Creation does not arise from a Void. It arises from the Infinite Subconsciousness or The IS of Creation. It is the Non-Being Side of Creation. Creation itself is the Being Side. The IS expresses itself but it is not aware of Self. Its Self-Awareness is within the Created. That is where the Creator becomes aware of Self... or Self-Aware. That's why Jesus said: I and the Father are One! So is the entire Rest of Creation. This includes You and I and all other Beings and Things. The Creator IS Creation...

I strongly recommend that everyone read what Gerardus has to say on his website: www.soulwise.one.
That is after or in conjunction with reading everything I have here.

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